Wendt, Virginia Mary Cushing, sister of Claire Cushing Differding ’41 and the late Barbara Cushing Swanson ’44.
Leeney, Jeanne Keegan
Pallardy, Marilyn Groble, sister of Therese Monaghan ’44, the late Annemarie Groble Kerrins ’37, the late Helen Groble Bliss ’39, the late Virginia Groble Mulholland ’39, and the late Marguerite Groble Gagen ’41
Schuba, Nancy Kelly, sister of the late Patricia Kelly Boyd ’43 and the late Kathleen Kelly Nickels ’56; aunt of Mary Ellen Boyd Sherman ’71 and Celeste Boyd Jones ’73
Nugent, Mary Therese
Murphy, Arlene Overhage
Dorothy “Dottie” Dooley Rusch, mother of Christine Rusch Suellentrop ’70 and sister of Geraldine Dooley Drahnak ’61
Madden, Margaret
O’Connor, Dolores O’Conner
Buckwalter, Jeanne M. Brondell, sister of the late Virginia Brondell Boyd ’32
Molnar, Jean Malooly, sister of the late Mary Janet Malooly McKeon ’44 and sister-in-law of the late Marilynn Ryan Malooly ’53. Jean served as first vice-president of the AOL Alumnae Board in the late 1950s.
Donnellan, Shirley Messer
Brown, Mary Alice Enright, sister of Lois Enright McInerney ’50 and Kay Enright Keller »54
Waddick, Joan Merrick, sister of Lee (Mary Leona) Merrick McDonnell ’45
Heininger, Rosemary Adams
Sykes, Joan O’Shaughnessy
Zioncheck, Rita Elizabeth Bayer
Wild, Joanne Marie
Walsh, Mary Ann Sheridan
Wallace, Lorita M. Meegan
Speltz, Mary Jean Donovan
Smidt, Patricia Mary Barker
Sheehan, Rita Catherine
Ronspies, Coletta V.
Rausch, Jo Nell M. Petroski
Prendergast, Dorothy Caraher
Pfeiffer, Catherine L. McCue
Pedersen, Patricia J. O’Brien
Patterson, Dolores V. Rodenkirch
Michels, Marjorie E.
Merrion, Marilee G. Gibbons
McKenzie, Mary C. Henry
McKennan, Theodora
McGinnis, Jeanne K. Fennelly
McCann, Dorothy M. Johnson
Magic, Virginia Frances Thomas
Lynch, Rita M.
Lewis, Katherine R. Governale
Leeder, Ella Stevens
Kilboy, Mary Jane Steger
Keyes, Janet Joan Morand
Kane, Marvel C. Herald
Johnson, Margaret Rogers
Hodgman, Jean Ann Davis
Hayes, Mildred L. Witt
Hartley, Patricia A. McDonough
Harrington, Nancy Regina O’Connor
Guthrie, Grace Lenore Bieber
Green, Carol Therese Shea
Flemming, Loretta T. Reedy
Faupel, Marjorie J. Duffy
Dowd, Gertrude DeGruccio
Doucette, Dorothy Bonnie Vanoffelen
Dole, Patricia R.
Conway, Fay Agnes Murphy
Connelly, Laverne J. Fitzgerald
Carver, Lorraine Liston
Cahill, Joan T. McGuire
Bucic, Margaret M. Anderson
Brown, Mary Lou Baldassari
Arnesen, Mary Catherine Grady
Petrus, Mary Jean Traeger
Hlavin, Genrose Smith
Patrick, Gloria Wilson
Mokos, Mary Ann Nebehay
Foote, Leona Marie Stoffle