Mary Pat Tuohy Morajda ’59 and her sister Janet Tuohy Terra ’62 were subjects of an article in the winter issue of “Regarding Health,” a newsletter of Little Company of Mary Hospital in Evergreen Park, IL. Pat and Janet were diagnosed with breast cancer at approximately the same time in 2009, and after surgery at LCMH, they received a new type of radiation therapy called intraoperative radiation therapy as part of a research study. The single-dose IORT therapy took place immediately after surgery. Mary Pat and Janet healed well and are enjoying good health—much to the relief of their sister, Elaine Tuohy ’71.

Posted: July 1, 2011

Sister Rea McDonnell (John Maureen) ’59 had a fine time at the A.O.L. reunion last year. She hopes to attend again this year—to see former students of 1970, whom she guided in religion classes while serving as moderator of Student Council and the yearbook.

Now living in Maryland, Sr. Rea is a prolific author. Her 15th book, Into the Heart of Mary: Imagining Her Scriptural Stories, was published recently by Ave Maria Press. The dedication page reads: “To all those connected with the Academy of Our Lady, Chicago, especially my classmates and teachers, and my mother, Marie Holden McDonnell ’35.

After an introduction to modern scripture scholarship, Sr. Rea takes the stories of Mary of Nazareth from each of the gospels and Acts of the Apostles and invites readers to use their imaginations to fill in the details.

“Before you protest that you have no imagination, remember the last time you listened to someone’s sorrow or joy,” Sr. Rea said. “You entered their world, to be with them. That empathy is imagination. So I invite you to go and be with Mary in her sorrows and joys, offering her empathy and receiving hers.”

Into the Heart of Mary is available at www.avemariapress.com ($12.95). Proceeds go to SSND.

Posted: July 8, 2010