The memory of Jane Kiley Bigane, who died in April, will live on in a scholarship named for her at Mother McAuley High School in Chicago. Jane’s five daughters, McAuley alumnae, had established the scholarship in Jane’s name in honor of her 80th birthday in 2009. Other A.O.L. graduates in the family were Jane’s sisters Rosemary Kiley Hartrich ’44 and Betty Kiley Roach ’49.

Posted: July 1, 2011

No doubt Mary Rita Murphy Stump spent her share of time in the library during her years at A.O.L. Now a school library–at St. Xavier University on Chicago’s South Side—is named for her and her husband,
Robert. Longtime SXU benefactors, they received honorary degrees from the university at last year’s Commencement.

Posted: July 6, 2010